Brake Check and Replacement.

Book your Brake Check Appointment

If you are concerned about the performance of your brakes or would like them checked before going on a long journey please book an appointment with us and our expert brake technicians will complete a free, no obligation brake inspection. After the inspection we will provide you with a written brake report and a quote for any work which is required.

Regular brake checks are an important part of any vehicle preventative maintenance plan. Brake checks can identify a problem before it begins to impact on your braking efficiency, thus providing an opportunity to restore the effectiveness of your vehicle's braking system to its intended operating performance. At Napoleon Garage we know how important the regular inspection and maintenance of your brakes can be to ensure your brakes continue to work effectively.

Different driving patterns have a dramatic effect on how often your brakes need servicing. For example, a set of brake pads could last up to 60,000 miles or more on a car driven mostly on the motorway. However the brakes on the same car driven mostly in busy city centre traffic may last only 25,000 miles or less.

Front brakes normally wear out before rear brakes because they handle a higher percentage of the braking load, especially on front wheel drive cars.

It is often recommended that brake pads should be replaced if the pad friction material has worn down to a thickness of 3 millimetres.

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